• Content of almonds: 95%
    Content of almonds: 95%
  • Only 4 ingredients
    Only 4 ingredients
  • Excelent taste
    Excelent taste
  • Crunchy texture
    Crunchy texture
Premium almond cream for athletes - high protein content, natural composition, ideal for energy boost and muscle regeneration.... Learn more
Almond Cream
In Stock
Almond Cream
Almond Cream
    • Flavor
    • Amount
12.90 €
200 g / 25 servings
Available in stock.

Discover the power of natural proteins

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Our almond butter is a mixture of 90% roasted almonds, supplemented with crunchy almond pieces and enriched with cocoa butter and a pinch of Himalayan salt. This nutritious treasure is ideal for anyone looking for a healthy and tasty boost to their active lifestyle.

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